Fun Activities for Teaching English (Digital Download)


Are you a language teacher or youth leader? Get this list of more than 50 fun activities that can be used for English classes, youth gatherings, cultural exchange camps, and many other types of events. We’ve included countless hours of video tutorials and demonstrations that complement this digital resource, to help you organize these activities into a simple and effective lesson.


Are you a language teacher or youth leader? Get this list of more than 50 fun activities that can be used for English classes, youth gatherings, cultural exchange camps, and many other types of events. We’ve included countless hours of video tutorials and demonstrations that complement this digital resource, to help you organize these activities into a simple and effective lesson.

Are you a language teacher or youth leader? Get this list of more than 50 fun activities that can be used for English classes, youth gatherings, cultural exchange camps, and many other types of events. We’ve included countless hours of video tutorials and demonstrations that complement this digital resource, to help you organize these activities into a simple and effective lesson.

Our Fun Activities for Teaching English resource is a list of more than 50 fun activities that can be used for English classes, youth gatherings, cultural exchange camps, and many other types of events. We have compiled these over the last ten years while teaching students of all ages in the U.S. and Asia. These come from our personal search for activities that are enjoyed by both students and teachers alike. We hope you and your students will enjoy them as much as we have!

These activities can be added to lessons to make your curriculum come alive. They can also stand alone when you’re in a pinch for time; see the section titled “How to prepare a lesson, FAST!” for ideas on how to survive that awkward moment when someone asks you to teach an impromptu English class with little time and zero preparation. These will also help you as you look for ways to make your lessons more engaging and fun for everyone.

Click here to watch more than 50 tutorials and demonstration videos that complement this resource.