Resources for Teachers
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Don’t study alone. Stay focused, together.
Are you struggling to maintain your study routine in the virtual world? We're excited to introduce an incredible new resource to help you succeed this semester: our Virtual Study Hall sessions, hosted on Zoom every week! These sessions are open to all of our students, and we can't wait to see you there.

Join the Royal Society of Alpaca Catchers
HELP! Lulu is 7 years old and she lives on a farm. All of her llamas and alpacas have escaped, and she needs your help now more than ever!

Meet Angela: From health care provider to English teacher in Bolivia
Angela has waited 10 years to get her TESOL certificate. She is finishing the course this month, and we wanted to take a moment to highlight her story. Hear some of her experiences throughout her time in the TESOL course and what it was like teaching English in Bolivia — including the day that she got locked in a room just as her class was starting.
Creating a Welcoming, Safe Classroom Environment
Every teacher needs a space to teach. I want to share with you the tips and resources I used to create a space for my students, many of whom were Somali refugees in the inner city of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Activity Ideas for English Classes
Create a post, leave a comment,
and explore ideas submitted by others teachers.
Speaking Activities
Listening Activities
Reading Activities
Writing Activities
Icebreaker Activities
Information Gap Activities
Pronunciation Activities
Literacy Activities
Get this FREE booklet!
Our Fun Activities for Teaching English resource is a 40-page booklet with more than 50 fun activities that can be used for English classes, youth gatherings, cultural exchange camps, and many other types of events. We have compiled these over the last ten years while teaching students of all ages in the U.S. and Asia. These come from our personal search for activities that are enjoyed by both students and teachers alike. We hope you and your students will enjoy them as much as we have!
These activities can be added to lessons to make your curriculum come alive. They can also stand alone when you’re in a pinch for time; see the section titled “PPP—How to prepare a lesson, FAST!” for ideas on how to survive that awkward moment when someone asks you to teach an impromptu English class with little time and zero preparation. These will also help you as you look for ways to make your lessons more engaging and fun for everyone. This is not an exhaustive list of activities, but it is a good starting point. For even more ideas, subscribe to our YouTube channel and explore the TESOL course.
Support the work we do by purchasing this Digital Download! Or find out how to get a free copy below.
Click one of the links below to explore a free preview of those modules. You can download the Fun Activities for Teaching English resource in the first chapter of each module.
Explore the online course
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Get your ALL-ACCESS PASS to the entire Citizens TESOL course for the next few months! Starting at $10 per month.
A wonderful way to explore all of our modules and resources at a reduced price — for a limited period of time, or for as long as you like. This is a good option for language schools, professional teachers, TESOL graduates, or those who are just beginning their journey.

Course Introduction
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Get amazing video tutorials to complement resources like these!
We are always adding new content in our TESOL course to help teachers bring hope to their communities and their classrooms. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get our latest videos!
In this sample video from our TESOL course, Cortnie breaks down a few of her Classroom Values and suggests a few ways to begin establishing a positive culture on the very first day of class. This is part of a series of videos about creating a welcoming learning environment, and you can learn more from this topic by exploring the free preview of Module 1.