We’re here to help.
Ask me anything, in any language.
Or send us your questions at team@citizenstesol.org
Explore these categories to learn more

A self-paced course, designed with world changers like you in mind.
Everything you need to become a professional teacher, so you can inspire students in your community and around the world.
A fresh, modern, and up-to-date online course with awesome content and activities.
A flexible and part-time schedule — study between 3-30 hours per week.
Study at any time of day and from anywhere on the planet. Pack your bags now, or curl up with a blanket from the comfort of your own home.
Accessible via mobile app so you can study from the road.
Ready to become a digital nomad? All you need is an internet connection and a device to begin! (Plane ticket to your favorite destination, not included.)
Become a world-changing volunteer, or get the job you want with an internationally recognized TESOL certificate (equivalent to CELTA or TEFL Level 5).
We cover it all, so you can teach in all types of classrooms — ESL, EFL, Online, Young Learners, Adults, Business English, Pre-Literate, Refugees, and more.
Our graduates are teaching in over 20 countries — including Cambodia, China, Greece, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Ukraine, United States, Vietnam, and everywhere in between. You can, too!
Find job support and volunteer opportunities with YWAM’s global network of 1,100 locations in over 180 nations.
Stacks on stacks of free printable resources to get you teaching confidently straight away, worry-free.
Our free English curriculum designed just for missionaries and world changers. A $299 value!
A personal online tutor to assist you throughout the course.
A lifelong community of fellow teachers to support you in your vision for changing the world.
Enrollment is open.

All training paths lead to an internationally recognized professional Certificate IV in TESOL from the Australian College of Career Development.
Choose Your Own Adventure.
We have organized our course’s modules into several different bundle options that you can choose from: The Ministry Skills Bundle is a less intensive option geared for anyone looking to get our core training and amazing resources without some of the extra assignments that come with our other bundles. The Professional Bundle has more content and features and rewards graduates with the option to receive an internationally recognized professional certificate. Click here to see our Pricing Plans, and find the path that works best for you.
University Credit
* 1 credit and a TESOL Certificate of Completion from YWAM’s University of the Nations (UofN) is given upon successful completion of each module. (In most cases, this credit is included in the price of the course, however, an application or enrollment fee may be requested by your UofN location.)
Professional certificate
** Graduates from Modules 1-4 and the Teaching Portfolio module can also apply for an internationally recognized professional certificate for an additional fee of $200. (This third-party fee is subject to change and includes an additional assessment process that we will guide you through from start to finish.)
Ready to begin? Get the first two modules and start learning today.
Get the Course Introduction
and Module 1
15 Chapters of Content
12 Month Access to begin
Free Preview of All Modules
HD Video Lessons & Tutorials
Downloadable Teaching Resources
Personal Instructor Assistance
TESOL Certificate from UofN*
Explore the skills and resources to teach English as a ministry.
Get 4 Modules for 20% OFF
($600 Value)
35 Chapters of Content
12 Month Access to begin
Free Preview of All Modules
HD Video Lessons & Tutorials
Downloadable Teaching Resources
Personal Instructor Assistance
TESOL Certificate from UofN*
Find everything you need to become a certified English teacher.
Get 7 Modules for 20% OFF
($1000 Value)
75 Chapters of Content
12 Month Access to begin
Free Preview of All Modules
HD Video Lessons & Tutorials
Downloadable Teaching Resources
Personal Instructor Assistance
TESOL Certificate from UofN*
✔️ Leads to the Professional Certificate**
✔️ Teaching Placement Coordination
✔️ Teaching Portfolio

Join a Hybrid Cohort
(Hybrid = In Person + Online)
Experience an in-person community with all the flexibility and benefits that come with an online course!

About Hybrid Cohorts
Our “Hybrid TESOL” option is designed to help you find the perfect balance of a traditional in-person TESOL course…with all the added flexibility and benefits that come with Citizens TESOL’s online learning platform.
Want to complete your studies with a group of other teachers-in-training? We are organizing several upcoming TESOL courses at various locations. Whenever possible, we recommend living and studying at these locations where you can join other students who are also taking the course.
If you already live locally near one of these locations, there will be opportunities for you to join during the day and/or evening. Or if you cannot travel to these physical locations but you still want to join a cohort in an online capacity only, then we will gladly invite you to join many of the discussions, webinars, and online teaching opportunities from wherever you are located.
What sets these cohorts apart from other TESOL courses is the way that we use the Citizens TESOL platform to facilitate much of that learning in a self-paced and self-directed manner, so that every student can learn all of the required knowledge and skills in a way that works best for themselves, without feeling rushed or left behind.
Whether you want to join us fully online, fully in-person — or a blend of the two — this is a great opportunity to study and complete your assignments with the support and encouragement of a whole community!
Typically, if you join an in-person cohort as a full-time student, this is what your daily schedule will look like: After breakfast, you might meet with instructors and fellow classmates for a short check-in, followed by an interactive discussion or demonstration that is both practical and fun, and then each student will have a few hours to finish studying that topic on their own or with a group.
After lunch, you might have additional assignments, you might help teach a language class in the afternoon or evening, and you will often connect with your language students and classmates in other ways.
Another advantage to joining a cohort like this one is the opportunity to connect and learn together with another group of people. Students in cohorts are more likely to finish the course on time. You will be able to follow the same schedule as your classmates, get help with challenging assignments, and help each other stay encouraged and motivated until the very end.
You will also be given additional feedback from instructors, and you will be invited to join local teaching and ministry opportunities at that location.
Joining an in-person “Hybrid TESOL” course will be more intensive than the “Online TESOL” option, because the hybrid option is designed to help you finish the Citizens TESOL course in a short period of time. Typically, if you join an in-person cohort as a full-time student living on campus, then you will be given a full-time schedule (approximately 50 hours per week or more).
If you would prefer to join the cohort online (instead of in-person) or in a part-time role only, please request more info below, or join the Citizens TESOL course as an online student and follow along at your own pace.
Not ready to join a cohort in-person as a full-time student? That’s okay. You can still follow along with these cohorts each week, by completing assignments according to the same schedule each week and even joining discussions online.
To get a copy of a cohort’s weekly schedule and an invitation to join any discussions happening online, please request more info below.
Prices may vary depending on time and location. Full-time residential students living at one of these campus locations will need to pay standard tuition prices for an in-person TESOL course (for details about tuition at a specific location, please request more info below). However, online students may join a cohort and receive additional feedback from instructors for a reduced fee, or follow along from a distance at no additional cost.
If you recently purchased access to the Citizens TESOL course through the online platform before joining an in-person cohort, then it’s possible for some or all of those previous fees to be deducted from your in-person course tuition.
Most TESOL students around the world only have two options: study online by yourself -OR- join a highly intensive in-person course. Both of those options have disadvantages (it can be hard to stay motivated when you study online by yourself, but most in-person TESOL courses are so fast-paced that it is too hard to learn everything and even harder to enjoy the process).
Our “Hybrid TESOL” cohorts are designed to help you find the perfect balance, so that you can study topics online at a flexible pace while still having the experiences, teaching opportunities, and support that comes with an in-person community of teachers.
Start Dates and Locations

— Montana —
TESOL Certificate Course
Sept 16, 2024
YWAM Montana
Lakeside, Montana
Course Type: Synchronous
Course Length: 12 weeks
Finish Date: Dec 6, 2024
Go to YWAM Montana and join other students and instructors for a ‘hybrid’ TESOL course that is starting here on this date. Or join us from a distance as a student in Citizens TESOL’s online course. This synchronous certificate course follows a typical weekly schedule with start and end dates that are designed to guide you through the course from start to finish. We will be partnering with any other hybrid TESOL cohorts happening at this same time. Learn more about YWAM Montana and other opportunities there. | Visit their website.
Coordinator: Ethan Edwards, ethan.edwards@ywammontana.org

— Montana —
Fall Practicum
Oct 14, 2024
YWAM Montana
Lakeside, Montana
Course Type: Self-paced
Course Length: 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks
Finish Date: Dec 6, 2024 (Flexible)
Go to YWAM Montana and join other students and instructors for a TESOL practicum that is starting here on this date. Stay for a few weeks, or volunteer with us for 6 months! This self-paced practicum is designed to be open-ended and offers participants a mix of opportunities: including gaining experience teaching in classrooms on a daily or weekly basis, collaborating with our staff team on more advanced projects, getting a professional teaching certificate (if you don’t have one already), completing the online TESOL course in a traditional in-person setting, and helping to facilitate training for other teachers in our program or around the world. Learn more about YWAM Montana and other opportunities there. | Visit their website.
Coordinator: Andy and Cortnie Brooks, tesol@ywammontana.org

We are Citizens of Hope.
Are you ready to go and teach?
The adventure starts now. Here is a quick look at who we are, as well as a behind-the-scenes preview of the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
Feel free to send us your questions at team@citizenstesol.org
Is this course for me?
If you want to be a teacher who inspires students in your community or around the world, then this course is for you. This course is for training and certifying professional English teachers, specifically, but the skills practiced in this course transfer to all kinds of teaching, ministry, and leadership. If you are looking for a way to support yourself overseas so you can travel, then this course is for you too!
Many of our graduates support themselves with paid teaching positions in schools and universities, while others have become ‘digital nomads’ teaching English online, while still others use their skills as volunteers who are making a difference every day in whatever classroom or space they find themselves in.
Are there any age or academic requirements?
Anyone wishing to take the course must be 17 years of age and have completed year ten of secondary school. There are no other academic requirements for attending TESOL. (Students who do not yet meet these requirements can still access the course and complete the modules, but may not receive full credit until they have met the age and academic requirements.)
Do I need to be a native English speaker?
No. We feel that some of the best teachers are those who speak multiple languages, and if that’s you, we know that you are going to make an excellent teacher. If you can speak and write in English and be understood by others, then you should be able to do well in the course.
Similar to any course, you will need to follow instructions carefully and understand information that is presented to you in a variety of media, including video, audio excerpts, and written text. So in addition to speaking and writing in English, you will also need to have decent skills in listening and reading. However, English does not need to be your native language and multilingual students are encouraged to join this course!
How do I access the course and apply for official credit?
You can access the course’s online learning platform by going to goandteach.citizenstesol.org or clicking the ‘Get Your TESOL Certificate’ button in the main menu above. There you can explore the free ‘Course Introduction’ module and familiarize yourself with the platform before the course begins. When you visit the platform for the first time, you will be asked to create an account (takes about 1 minute).
Anyone can access the course for a limited time without applying for credit as an official student, however, there are a few options if you wish to apply for official credit with YWAM’s University of the Nations.
If you’ve not yet applied as a student through one of our partner organizations (such as YWAM Boston), then you can apply for credit with YWAM Montana. Please go to apply.ywammontana.org, select ‘TESOL’ and the next available date (2023, etc.), and complete the application (takes about 10 minutes, however, additional enrollment forms and fees may be requested). One of the course staff will contact you about your acceptance (please allow at least one week for their response). To further inquire about your acceptance, you can send an email to: tesol@ywammontana.org
To inquire about receiving credit through YWAM Boston instead, you can send an email to: tesol@ywamboston.org
What online platform will we be using?
The course has been custom-built using the Thinkific learning platform, and it provides a rich and interactive experience that we think you’ll love. Rather than reading an entire chapter in one sitting, or listening to an hour-long video lecture, you will be able to learn and apply everything in little chunks. In many lessons during the course, you will watch a bite-sized video for a few minutes, then click the 'Next' button, and do a fun activity where you'll interact with your classmates on the other side of the world. And the platform allows you to do all of this at any time of the day or week that works best for you.
What web browser should I use?
Our course works best on desktop computers with current versions of Chrome and Firefox, as well as mobile devices using iOS Safari, Chrome, and Samsung Internet apps. Some of the activities in the course will not work properly in other browsers. If you are using Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, or another browser, we highly recommend downloading Chrome or Firefox for your desktop computer before continuing the course. You can download Chrome for free here.
What does my schedule look like during the course?
You get to decide! There is a lot of flexibility when it comes to interacting with the course and completing assignments. This course is self-paced in many ways, and this means you can access the course platform at any time during the week that suits your needs. If you prefer to do your work in the morning with a nice cup of coffee, go for it! At night with some cozy lighting and your favorite study music? That works too!
How many hours per week am I required to study?
That depends on your situation and how much time you can commit each week. This course is designed with working or part-time students in mind, and our goal is to make it accessible to students who volunteer their time elsewhere, have jobs, have families, or have other responsibilities. Students can choose to complete the course in a few weeks or several months. In order to finish the course in 6 weeks, you should anticipate at least 20-30 hours of coursework each week (or 10-20 hours per week to finish the course in 3 months). Students who need to take additional time to complete the course may do so, and they can finish the course in 12 months by working an average of 4-6 hours per week.
What kind of activities and assignments can I expect?
Each module consists of a wide variety of content that includes: short videos and reading assignments on each topic, interactive discussions, ungraded exercises to help you check your own understanding, and graded projects to apply what you're learning and put it into practice. In the final module, you will create a Teaching Portfolio that will include all the lesson plans that you designed and taught during the course; and other teaching resources you will have collected by then.
Do I need to complete a teaching assignment or outreach in order to finish the course?
In the Teaching Portfolio module, you will be required to log 10 hours of teaching time and 15 hours of observation time in an English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. This is a standard requirement for receiving a professional teaching certificate and it’s possible to complete this as part of a short-term local or international outreach. We recommend that you start the Teaching Portfolio module at any time after you've completed Module 2 of the course.
There are a few recommended ways to complete this requirement: find or start an ESL class in your community, volunteer at one of our Partner Locations, or find another location of your choice. It is your responsibility to secure a location for this practice teaching assignment, and any additional costs associated with travel and accommodation are not covered by your TESOL course tuition.
During the course, we will provide more instructions and advice for how to complete this assignment. If you cannot find a local English class in your area, then we recommend you consider a short-term outreach at one of our partner locations, including opportunities in Cambodia, Hawaii, Montana, Boston, London, refugee camps in the Middle East, more locations with MBI at one of YWAM’s 1200 operating locations worldwide, and teaching online to refugees resettled in the USA and Europe.
Can you help me find a teaching position?
We have an extensive network of Partner Locations around the world that are in need of teachers. To learn more about these locations, see their pages here on our website where we’ve made it easy for you to connect with each location by email.
If you are interested in volunteering with another YWAM location, you can contact MBI (Mission Builders International) to find out what YWAM locations are requesting English teachers and MBI can help you connect with the right location. They have a separate application process that will help you decide where and when you will be teaching. In many of these locations, English classes are one of their main community outreach programs and teachers are an invaluable resource to them.
How interactive is the course going to be?
There are many different kinds of online courses, but we have strived to make this particular course as engaging and interactive as possible. Together, our staff team has decades of experience with traditional face-to-face courses and online courses at the professional and university level. Whenever possible, we’ve included the same kind of interactive activities in this course that students enjoy in our more traditional face-to-face TESOL courses.
You will also be able to participate in numerous discussion forums where you will interact through written posts and comments. During these interactions you will be able to engage with students from around the world in a style of informal written conversation that is quite similar to Facebook or Instagram.
In addition to these written interactions, our course also includes asynchronous video conversations where you’ll discuss topics with your classmates using the camera on your mobile device or computer. We’ll be utilizing several of these new tools and technologies that will allow you to share ideas, collaborate, give and receive feedback on important assignments, and add your voice to interactive conversations—either in real-time or whenever you’re available to participate.
Will there be any mandatory meetings and lectures on Zoom, Google Meetings, etc?
No. Since the course is asynchronous with students all around the world, you will not be required to be online at specific times and there will not be mandatory group meetings or lectures for you to attend. We will organize a few optional video conferences for any students who are interested in meeting their classmates and asking questions for course staff in real-time.
Will I have access to a mentor during the course?
We have a team of knowledgeable staff who are committed to helping you finish the course. They will be engaging with you and your classmates throughout the course, giving guidance and answering questions through written and video responses that are built into the course. In addition to this, we will organize Virtual Office Hours for you to be able to reach out to a staff member who can answer any questions you have and give you personalized support if needed.
Finally, we know that your peers can give excellent guidance as well, so if there is ever a question about a specific assignment or activity, you can share your question in any of the discussion forums throughout each module where you’ll be able to receive help from your staff and classmates alike.
I hated learning grammar in school. Will I enjoy teaching languages?
We think you’ll love your experience as a teacher and a role-model, bringing hope to desperate situations—even those miserable grammar lessons that many language students have faced. While grammar is certainly part of learning languages, it is not everything. And not all English teachers spend their time teaching it.
We will give you some super practical tips for how to teach tricky subjects like grammar, and how to do so without anyone feeling helpless or inferior—including you as the teacher. There are plenty of ways to help your students with their grammar without spending all day studying it. We will share with you all of the same tips and tricks we use in our own classrooms.
(If you happen to love grammar and all the intricacies of learning a challenging subject, then you’ll enjoy teaching languages very much. But you probably already knew that.)
I’m not savvy with computers and technology, will I be alright?
Our online learning platform is quite intuitive, and will guide students through the course step-by-step so that students only need to click the ‘Continue’ button to move on to the next part of a lesson. Like many new technologies, it may take students a day or two to become familiar with the platform before they are comfortable with it. But we are confident that you will be able to navigate the course, and we will have video tutorials to walk you through any difficult processes.
If you ever need help on a specific assignment or activity, you can share your question in any of the discussion forums throughout each module where you’ll be able to receive help from your staff and classmates alike.
What are the dates for upcoming courses in 2024 and 2025?
New students in the online course can start anytime. If you are interested in an in-person experience, we have ‘hybrid’ cohorts and certificate courses starting in April 2024 and April 2025, with additional in-person experiences such as practicums and internships available throughout the year. For more info about those courses click here.
Let us know if you are interested in joining one of our courses, and what time of year works best for you. Reach out to us at team@citizenstesol.org and we will gladly get back to you.
Dates for the previous academic year: The October 2023 cohort is currently in session, and enrollment is still open. This online cohort began on October 1, 2023 with an ending date of October 1, 2024 when a new academic year will begin.
How long will I have access to the course?
Students in the October 2023 cohort will have access to the course’s platform for a total of 12 months in order to complete assignments, and if you need more time then you can extend your access to the platform through the Course Explorer option.
If you run out of time and lose access to the platform, your coursework (ie. quizzes, some discussions, and other assignments) may be archived but it will not be deleted. You can regain access at any time through the Course Explorer option. You’ll also continue to have access to the many practical resources you received during the course, and you will be part of our Citizens of Hope community of teachers and all of the resources and support that comes with it.
If you would like to keep your access to the course platform and all of its content and community features long after your course finishes, then check out the Course Explorer. It is a simple all-access pass that allows you to pay a small fee each year to continue having access to all of the amazing training and resources as long as you like. This is a great option for anyone moving into a teaching position after the course.
About Your Certification
Is the course professionally accredited?
Yes. We have partnered with several organizations to offer you multiple certificates and university credit for this course.
The first certificate is from YWAM’s University of the Nations (UofN). This degree-granting institution offers courses, practicums, and internships in over 160 nations worldwide. 1 credit and a TESOL Certificate of Completion from the UofN is given upon successful completion of each registered module in the course.
Various accredited institutions throughout the world accept UofN transfer students and credits. Students seeking transfer credits from the UofN will still have to go through the admissions process at whatever university they are applying to in order to determine how each credit will transfer according to that university's policies and procedures.
The second certificate is a professional-level certification from the Australian College of Career Development (ACCD), a Registered Training Organization accredited by the Australian government (RTO Code: 31980). We have partnered with Intercultural Training Australia (ITA) to make this possible, and an additional fee of $200 is required upon completion of the course if you wish to receive this second certificate.
It’s this second TESOL certification that unlocks many doors overseas, and many of our graduates have gone on to work in some of the hardest-to-reach nations on the planet.
How much do the certificates cost?
In most cases, the UofN certificate and credit is included in the price of the course, however, an application or enrollment fee may be requested by your UofN location.
Currently, the ACCD certificate can be obtained for an additional fee of $200. (Note: this third-party fee price is not determined by Citizens TESOL, and therefore subject to change without notice).
How will I receive my certificates?
Upon completion of the course and all of its components, you may contact your course staff at team@citizenstesol.org to request your certificates. Once they have verified that you’ve completed the course and no further work is required, you will receive a printable digital copy of your UofN certificate by email.
Once our partners in Australia have verified that you’ve completed their criteria and no further work is required, you will also receive a printable digital copy of your ACCD certificate by email. You may contact admin@itateach.com if you have a question after receiving your certificate from ACCD, or if you need to request an additional copy. (Please remember that this certificate is not issued or controlled by Citizens TESOL, and an additional fee is required.)
Please allow up to four weeks to receive your certificates after the course. Please inquire at the email addresses above to check on the status of your certificates.
What is a passing grade, and am I guaranteed a certificate?
We cannot guarantee that all of our students will receive a certificate solely based on their participation in the course. This is a professional and university-level course that requires you to meet specific criteria before we can issue official certificates. To receive the UofN certificate, you will need a ‘Satisfactory’ grade of 70% or higher and your work will need to be verified by your course staff.
To receive the ACCD certificate, a separate third-party assessment process must take place before you can receive your certificate, and an ‘Excellent’ grade of 90% or higher is recommended in order to qualify for this professional certificate. While completing each module of the Citizens TESOL course, we will walk you through all of the requirements to receive your Professional Certificate from start to finish.
If your work does not qualify for the ACCD certificate at the end of the course, you may make additional corrections to your work and request the certificate again; you do not need to start the course over from the very beginning but you must meet all the necessary criteria requested by ACCD.
Supplies List
What equipment and supplies do I need?
Computer and Mobile Device
In order to watch the videos and complete the interactive activities during the course, you will need a strong internet connection and a computer or mobile device (such as a smartphone or tablet). You will want to make sure these devices have a microphone and camera, which you will use in multiple activities.
The ideal setup is to have both a computer and a mobile device, since some activities feel more natural on your phone or tablet while others are quicker and easier on a computer with its larger screen and keyboard. You might consider a laptop as your computer, since it’ll give you the ability to take it with you on the road and you can utilize it during your practice teachings. A smartphone is sometimes preferred over a tablet, since it can be paired easily with a tripod if you wish to record videos of your practice teachings. (You can purchase an inexpensive tripod with a smartphone adapter like this one from UBeesize for around $20-30 on Amazon. It’s lightweight and fits in your backpack.)
Printer and Binder
You may wish to print a document every now and then. This can be helpful while completing some assignments or when you see a teaching resource that you want to print and keep for later. We recommend having a way to print documents, and if you prefer doing a lot of printing and working with paper documents then you will also want to think about getting a binder or another way to organize those items.
Pen and Paper
We recommend keeping some paper on hand (such as a notebook or journal) and a comfortable pen, in case you need to write something down. However, due to the amount of online activities in this course, you will probably not take as many handwritten notes as you would during a face-to-face course.
Do I need to purchase any books before starting the course?
No. You do not need to purchase any books for this course. All of the required readings are viewable on the course’s online platform. If you enjoy reading, then we will be recommending a number of books throughout the course that we find to be extremely practical, as well as a few that have kept us inspired over the years.
One of the teaching books that we recommend the most (and we’ll be mentioning it during the course) is Teach Like A Champion by Doug Lemov. If you’d like a hard copy to refer to, you can find used copies of this book for a few dollars on Amazon.com or at your local library, as well as the newer updated editions, Teach Like A Champion 2.0 and Teach Like A Champion 3.0.
Any of the books in this series will offer a wealth of tips for teachers of all subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Music, etc), and therefore, getting one of these books is highly recommended but not required.
Do I need to purchase any school supplies for my practice teachings?
Teaching Supplies
Depending on where you are teaching you may need to purchase your own materials for your classes. Some places have a curriculum that teachers follow and may have some resources to help supplement that curriculum. If you are planning on teaching overseas, some materials may be harder to come by in that location and they may be cheaper or more expensive than you are used to. You should contact your teaching location for specifics according to that teaching opportunity.
We are a Christian organization, but everyone is invited to this course.
You are welcome here.
Our course is open to all faiths, not just Christians. We will never discriminate against those who believe differently than we do, as we value discussions and perspectives that vary from our own. We want to create space for everyone—Christians and non-Christians alike—to be challenged in their beliefs while respecting differing perspectives. However, as a Christian organization, some of our content will be in the context of Christian missions and Biblical foundations, remaining true to our personal beliefs and our calling.
There are many TESOL courses, but we’ve made this one specifically with our Christian brothers and sisters in mind. Occasionally, our videos and other content will reflect these beliefs but no offense or exclusion is intended. For us, these perspectives are a huge strength of this course that we highly value and we hope you feel the same.
All details are subject to change.
In these times, especially now as COVID-19 has changed much of the way that organizations and schools function, we want to inform all students that the prices, locations, dates, and availability mentioned on these pages are subject to change. We are doing our best to plan for any events but cannot foresee them all. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this season. And we’re excited that you are part of this adventure with us!
Have a question?
Feel free to send us your questions at team@citizenstesol.org

Meet our team
Drink coffee,
Teach stuff,
And bring hope to the world.